Back in March I wrote a post highlighting small accessory making. Practicing on smaller details is a key component to making finer leather goods. When you can get every little thing right on a small accessory, you’re more likely to do the same when you make bigger things likes handbags and luggage.
When we published the post, we also helped to sponsor the Monthly Leatherworking Contest on Reddit. Many Redditors participated and put forth some really nice work. The rest of the community then voted for a winner and here is the work that they picked:
Misha Korablin
What I really like about this tassle accessory is that it is a simple repetition of a pattern that, when rotated around the circle, makes a really striking result.
The runner up submissions to our contest were also really well-made designs. /u/mxdi created a Clochette out of Chèvre and /u/iHaveAMilkshake made a clever key holder from vegetable tan leather.
iHaveAMilkshake was “glad people saw and liked it, and [he] hoped that the open nature of the design results in some collaborative improvement to it.”
Delfin Estanislao
Thank you very much for the reply. I will for sure follow and read your emails. This is the only way zi can get the skills and inspiration.
Fine Leather
Thanks so much for reading, Delfin!
Aly Ashton
super cute, I love this ….oh and your blog
Fine Leather
Thanks, Aly =)
great stuff
Fine Leather
I appreciate the feedback, Peter. Thanks for reading!
Jerry Murray
excellent email, thanks!
Fine Leather
Thanks so much, Jerry! Glad you enjoyed it.
Vicki Cade
Very nice. As a newbie to leather crafting, I have a real appreciation for leather goods. It’s not an easy Craft, but definitely a rewarding one.
Fine Leather
You’re right about that, Vicki. It can be a steep learning curve but regular practice definitely pays off.
Grady Elliott
Great stuff. It’s a really creative accessories. I am impressed with this accessories. Good work!
Fine Leather
Thanks for your support, Grady!