Last week I wrote about mise en place and workspaces. Many of you emailed back some amazing workspace photos. Here are a few of the highlights:
Alan P.
Andy F. 
Chris S. 
Everyone works differently and has different styles. When looking at someone’s space, it’s a peek into how they work, what tools they use and how often.
Love this
Hi Chuck! My son is just starting his leather working hobby. I’m looking to help him find a desk. The desk in the Metallic sunburst photo looks like a good one to start with .Do you have any ideas where we can start looking? Thank you!
Hey Chuck. I appreciate what you shared. They’re each unique and made for the individual. The BEST part is it gives me ideas for my bench area. Thanks very much and keep them coming….
Alan P – Wow… I want a work space like yours!
Me too, Russell Conte! Wow! Talk about organized and a pleasant work area!
Me, too!
I love these!! I’m new to leather work. Alan P. What stone do you use the n top of your table? I’m trying to find a good stone for tooling.
Go to any granite counter top installer or fabricator’s shop and they have tons of pieces they have discarded , will probably give you for free.
Hi i am a novice in leather ,alan p i congratulate you you work area is amazing ,was it put together by yourself using seperate components,also have you any advice for a novice looking to be an original leather craft.thank you .
I noticed that none of the workspaces had sewing machines, are they hidden somewhere or are you guys strickly hand sewing. I never persuaded my interest in leather craft because I thought I needed a sewing machine, but after watching many how to videos on YouTube, I have realised it isn’t a necessity, also depends on what you are making. I am a dress designer, so machine is 1st in my mind.
Yep, we do almost all hand-sewing in our workshop. Feel free to reach out to us via email (or the contact form on our website) if you have any other questions. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment!
Hi Rob! Feel free to reach out to us via email if you need any help. Thanks for reading!
Alan P’s is great but a bit too severe for my taste, ‘Balsamountain’ has a lovely size and space. Hats off too for small space ingenuity.
Thanks for reading, John!
Wow…I am trying to enter this leather hobby b ut it seems I am far far away!!!
best regards to everyone
Stay safe and sound!
It’s never too late to start, Mal. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment!
Thanks for the courage@!
Sure thing and thanks for reading! Send us some photos of your workspace when it’s ready to go!
Just stumbled over this list of workspaces & images. Gotta say, mine is a lot more cluttered but that’s due to lack of space – for now 😉
Thanks for sharing!
I think most all of us are in the same boat, Frank. Check out our post on mise en place for some tips on keeping your workspace organized. We use it all the time!
Ateliers e mesas de trabalho que são um sonho para os amadores como eu!… Gostaria tanto de conviver em ambiente de trabalho que tivesse estas valências!… Hoje, com 75 anos, tento construir um espaço que me proporcione uma acomodação gratificante para os momentos de lazer. Inclusive, acabei de frequentar um curso sobre encadernação artesanal para o qual “arrastei” um neto com 13 anos que adorou!…
Parabéns para os felizes proprietários destas maravilhas.
Indeed, these workspaces are quite a dream! It’s nice to have goals and objectives to work towards. Keep in touch, Rui!
I have my great, great grandfather’s carpenter tool box. It is quite heavy and while moving it the handle gave out after 143 years. I have been searching for someone who could help me with duplicating the original handle for this family treasure.
That’s sad to hear, Alan. If we come across someone who we think might be able to help you, we’ll be sure to reach out. Take care out there!
WOW Alan P! How many years did it take you to accumulate all these tools/stamps? And when did you create this AWESOME WORKSPACE?
It’s definitely a really impressive collection of tools!
have limited space..need ideas for 3x4x7 space for leatherworking space
Let me know how it works out!
Hi, Chuck and ya’ll ! As for me and my projects, the First pict is the ideal: Thank you for post!
Thanks for chiming in, Maynard!