Today’s post is a story of a master bush craftsman, Doug Kite, who recently celebrated his 92nd birthday by donating the best of his life’s leatherwork to the Museum of Victoria collections. Although humble and modest in nature, Doug’s leather plaiting and braiding work is sought out by admirers and collectors around the world. His […]
Videos: Following Your Leatherworking Passion
Today’s post is a collection of two videos. The first is an inspirational video from Jan den Hartogh of Duke & Sons Leather. Jan used to spend all day sitting behind a computer and started to feel like something important was missing from his life. As a result, he decided to take up leatherworking and […]
Leathersmithe’s Making Your Own Sandal Guide
Davy Joel Rippner, a long time sandal maker, was recently reading our post on experimenting with sandals. He directed me to the great article on his site Leathersmithe, which takes you step by step on how to make a pair of sandals using a design that he has refined and used for many years. We’re […]
Pinterest Highlights – Handles and Sewing Details
I save lots of pins on construction details. These kinds of photos are great both for inspiration and getting a peek into how something is made. I also like seeing how different combinations of colors and/or materials will turn out such as the copper reinforcements in the third handle photo or the hand sewing over […]
Videos: Leather Goods Makers Old and New
Today’s post is a collection of four videos. The first two are from established leather goods companies. I love the words of wisdom that these guys reveal about the craft and business. The second two are from younger companies with equally younger founders. There are some equally valuable insights covered here but from a very […]
The Work of Nigel Armitage
Two weeks ago, I posted an interview of leatherworking master and highly respected Youtuber, Nigel Armitage. This week, we’re featuring some of his work in a dedicated post. Enjoy! Check out more of Nigel’s work at
Choosing Between Outstitch and Lasted Shoemaking
Today we’re bringing you a special guest post by master shoemaker Sara McIntosh. We met up a while back when I was visiting Chicago and I was impressed by the organization she founded, the Chicago School of Shoemaking. Sara is a master teacher there and has built up an impressive facility and student following. In […]
Nigel Armitage: A Wealth Of Leatherworking Knowledge Both Close And Far From Home
Shortly after Stevie Bea graduated with a degree in fashion photography, she found herself at a pub in Tooting, London discussing leatherworking with a young man. While she was quite familiar with the craft, it wasn’t something she was focused on at that time in her life. As the conversation continued, the young man described […]
Leather Thickness Conversion Chart
I keep this chart handy for myself and thought I would share it with all of our readers. Converting between oz, mm, and inch can be a pain, and this reference chart makes it a lot easier. Most leather in the US is measured in ounces, and one ounce equals 1/64 of an inch. Remembering […]
The Big List of Leather Trade Shows
I started collecting dates for these trade shows and thought you all would find it useful too. There are some well-known shows like Lineapelle and the Rocky Mountain Leather Trade Show but I’ve found a few lesser-known shows like Kingpins, which is for denim but is attended by companies like Riri and other leather related […]