At Fine Leatherworking we get a wide range of customers in search of luxury quality leather working tools. We get beginners who want to do great work but don’t know where to start, and we get experienced craftsmen who are looking to improve the quality of their work.
Every once in a while however, we get a customer who is different. They’re usually older and they call because they want to talk to a person first before ordering online. They often have a very specific question about a tool or material that we have on our store. Somewhere in our conversation, they mention a company that they work at and I Google it as we are talking. That’s when I discover that this polite gentleman is the owner of a huge leather goods company. I’m always shocked when I get these calls because my immediate reaction is ‘why would you bother with a little shop like ours? You have a corporation that is a thousand times bigger than us, so what could you possibly need?’ Their answer always makes me smile.
“I’m always looking for something better.”
They don’t mean a company better than theirs; they could easily crush us. They’re talking about finding new tools and better techniques. We finely curate the products we carry and offer the best advice that we can give. When these guys see that we’re offering a new tool, paint or a technique that they’ve never seen before, they always reach out to us. At first I chalked it up to them being a collector of fine tools and sometimes that is indeed the case.
I’ve found that every customer like this is always looking to improve his or her work. Most have been working with leather for many years, but even after all that time, they’re not resting on their laurels. These are lifetime craftsmen who have sometimes started their companies out of the trunks of their cars and built them into companies worth millions of dollars. But when they see a potential opportunity to improve their materials or their technique, they always take it.
When I get the opportunity to speak with people of this caliber, I try to find out what made them successful in their business and their leather craft. Today, I’d like to share five of their most common principals.
Refine, Refine And Refine More Until You Think You Can Do No Better; Then Get Your Work Out There
As I mentioned above, masters of a craft are always learning and trying to improve. It is often the case that once you reach one plateau, the next one becomes visible. The ascent into mastering a craft really never ends, but it’s ok to start where you are. You want to refine your work as much as possible. Go just a little beyond what you think is ‘good enough’ and try to do the best that you can. Don’t push yourself to the point of frustration and failure, but don’t settle for mediocrity either. This is especially true when you’re just starting out.
Once you reach what you think is the best you can do, get your work out in front of people. Sometimes you have to start by selling out of the trunk of your car, on Etsy or another marketplace. You don’t necessarily need to sell your work, but get it out in front of people. Get feedback on your work, earnestly listen to what people have to say and continue to refine. I will often do better when I’m making something for someone else. Using your work for gifts is a great way to get your stuff out there.
Here is an example of an archery armguard made by one of our customers, Chris F. The photo on the left is from a year ago and the photo on the right is a recent arm guard. Notice how everything is better about his work: his stamps are clearer, there’s more nuance to the pattern, the edges are finished better, there are grommets for where the cords go in and there’s stitching on the edges. You can see both the individual improvements on each aspect of his work and also how it improves everything overall.
Try To Improve Just One Aspect Every Time You Work
You’ve probably heard this piece of advice before. I’ve heard it a lot myself.
When I get calls from leather craft veterans, they’re not looking for ten different ways to improve things. They’re usually laser focused on just one aspect. That can be nearly any aspect: sewing, edges, gluing, cutting. Or it can be just one detail like how to improve the buttons on my work. Trying to improve everything at once will drive you crazy, so focus on just one aspect at a time. When I’m doing a project, I will choose one component to really focus on. I’ll tell myself that ‘everything needs to be good, but the zipper construction on this piece needs to be great.’
An improved button using a leather cover.
Focus On Just A Few Products And Be The Best At Them
One question that I always ask longtime makers is ‘what do you feel made you successful?’ and I usually get the same answer: “focus on a few things and be the best at them.’ When I research their companies more I often discover that they didn’t start out offering everything. They usually started out offering just a few products or even just one product. When I ask about their story, it’s usually that they honed and refined and refined that product. At the same time they also marketed it and tried to get the word out until enough people noticed. Eventually they reach a turning point and go on to great success. You don’t have to offer a huge catalog of items at first. It’s often the case that you get a reputation for one or a few things. Focus on those few things first, then branch out as you get better and well known.
Take The Time To Learn A Skill
Sharpening is one of the most important skills in leatherworking and it’s also one of the hardest. It took me several months to be passable and a whole year to get decent. Before I started leatherworking I carved traditional Noh masks in Japan. When I was learning woodcarving, my teacher always sharpened the tools for me.
I didn’t understand why at first, until I started trying to sharpen on my own. It was a painfully long process for me to sharpen just one tool. When I asked him how long it would take to learn to sharpen, without hesitation he said ‘a year.’ And he was right. After a few months I could sharpen a tool enough to use it, but it took a long time to get it as sharp as he could. I’m going to share with you my sharpening knowledge and hopefully help you to learn faster, but it’s important to remember to take the time to learn these kinds of skills. The good news is that once you get good at sharpening, it takes less and less time. I would literally spend an hour sharpening a chisel where my teacher would take about 10 minutes.
Here is a picture of my work. It’s all hand-carved out of wood.
If You Love What You Do, You’ll Never Work A Day In Your Life
Often the successful leather goods makers I talk to were not classically trained in a leather school. They searched and searched for the best instructions that they could find and practiced and practiced until they felt that they could produce something that they could be proud of. This always inspires me because it reinforces the fact that you don’t always need to have ‘the right’ background to excel at something and that you can start at any time. What I have observed from these experienced leatherworkers is that they love what they do. Their passion for what they do was a major contributor to their success. People often say you have to be disciplined to be good at something. While this true, discipline does not have to be drudgery. If you love what you do, you will take it seriously and the discipline and work required to be good will come much easier for you.
For me that was making leather bags. It’s crazy I know, but making the perfect bag is, for me, what drives me to do great work. I never get tired of looking for new designs or trying new techniques and construction methods. I’ll spend hours on this whereas other people will give up after just a short while.
What was the one thing that you wanted to make that inspired you to get into leatherworking? Please let us know in the comments.
Thanks for the “little things”, such as this article. I like to think of them as “gold nuggets”…informative and inspirational. Although I realize that quality tools and materials are expensive, and I squell like a stuck pig paying for them, I also understand their usefulness. The “nugget” that you provided in this article is one of the reasons I will patronize your site when I need a quality item. Keep up the quality customer service and you will go far my friend.
Thanks so much for your support and encouragement, Dan! It feels good knowing that what you’re doing is valuable to someone.
Thank you Dan, very helpful and inspiring. I did a little “very amateurish” leathercrafting many years ago. This was pre-internet and I had zero instruction. I really enjoyed it, but moved into other endeavors — raising a family and running consulting/contracting business for many years. Now I’m ready to really dive into leather work. I’ve watched dozens of hours of video and am following several craftspeople I like. Soon I’ll be setting up my studio and getting to work. Messages such as you shared are important to me, so thanks again!
You’re very welcome. Great to have you here! Please keep in touch and share updates once your studio is up and running.
Thanks for the article. I totally get it. I’ve made a few holsters, knife sheaths, belts and guitar straps. I’m interested in making more guitar straps because I play and want to provide great straps for fellow players. Making items that look so refined motivates me to learn better ways to produce those “ wow” straps or other items.
That’s great inspiration! I’ve seen some pretty incredible guitar straps over the years. It would be a fun project. Thanks for reading!
I wish i got real, sincere and inspirational emails like this more often. Thank you sooo much.
I just might start working in leather again.
Thanks, Starr! We enjoy writing these posts and are happy that you enjoy reading them.
Thank you! Great words to live by! I love belts! I am getting better but still always looking at new designs and ideas! Thanks for your post!
Sure thing, Mary! Send us a few photos of your work if you have a minute!
Love this post, I have been doing leather work off and on for the past 15 years more so now that I have done purses, wallets for my own personal use, thanks to my kids and husband who got me a kit for me a couple of years ago for Mother’s Day. I proudly show off my purse and wallets have gotten a lot of compliments on them that I have people start asking me to make them one similar or something close or a different styles. I have been trying a lot of different new ideas. Last year I was able to do a life size western saddle with the help of John Deck a saddle maker and I am working on another one in my own since he past away this year before we could get started on my second saddle.
Thanks for your comment, Ercilia! I’d love to see some of your saddle work. It’s not something we do ourselves but we really have a lot of appreciation for those who do.
A very great article. Nice to read how much time you have to invest a beautiful piece of leather to edit. This is still true craftsmanship.
Thanks for reading, Becky! I’m glad you have an appreciation for fine leather goods.
I am currently into my 5th handbag and it is my 3rd paying order! I started off making a really quirky colourful purse with different grades and textures of leather and then a handbag to match. People noticed it straight away and I am often stopped in the street (proud crafter moment!) My current obsession is edge skiving. I have brought several hand tools and am practicing with varying results! I love posts like this as they tell me I am not alone in my love of leather and my constant quest for perfection.
Such an inspiring story, Tamara! Thanks for sharing. I’d love to know how you got the attention that you did so quickly. Feel free to share your experience here or send us an email!
Tamara I’m curious how you started working with leather
I’m a jewelry designer wanting to get into leather handbags
and am a little intimidated
Hi Vrinda,
What has intimidated you about getting started?
Hi Vrinda, Being also a jeweler, I got into leather when at a shoe repair shop – the smell of leather just won me over. I do not make luxury items but rather unique one-of-a-kind utilitarian and decorative items. The only schooling I had was making a saddle under Victor Hermanson instruction (Sierra Saddlery School) in CA (he is now in NM). Back then, all I wanted to learn was how to make wallets/purses but he was the only “leather place in town”, and despite not riding horses, I went for it and learned how to use several tools which have helped me make my leather projects such as boxes, individualized pillows, wall hangings, etc., either by request or for fun some of which I have sold at craft shows and or gifted to family, friends, colleagues, and President Obama; others will come with me just as King Tut had his goods under the pyramid!). Craft shows could be a good place to start so you can see what the public looks for. Regardless of the path you take, once you find your inspiration it will be hard to stop. My advice is to be patient, practice a lot, embrace your mistakes, and have fun!
I am just beginning the journey to learn the skill of making my own fine leather handbags. I am delighted that I found your website. Thank-you for sharing your knowledge and offering quality products. Do you have relationships with zipper suppliers as well? I want high end components to incorporate into my bags.
Hi Michelle,
Zippers supply and a tutorial on how to install them is something that we’re working on. Was there anything in particular about finding the right kind or using them that has been challenging?
Thanks for your reply. My question is both – I am looking for the right kind and will then need to learn how to incorporate them into the bags. RiRi zippers seem to be the best option for the direction I want to take after comparing them to Talon and ykk, etc. As far as RiRi distributors go – there are only a few and those that do offer RiRi zippers seem to only offer limited options than what is actually available from the company. I want custom colors and zipper pulls.
Sincerely, Michelle
Hi Michelle! We now have zippers in the store if you want to check them out. We really love them!
I cannot believe I JUST stumbled upon this amazing website today. Cannot wait to place an order, but tools are rivaled in beauty by articles like this. So glad to have found you!
Thanks for reading this article and for your interest, Allison! We’re happy to have you as a part of our little community!
Thank you for such a great article. We need more crafters….those who can create beauty…from leather and beyond.
Thanks for taking the time to check out the post, Jackie!
I want to thank you for providing such an informative and inspiring blog and website as a whole…not many places in the states where you can find such premium quality products and materials. Leather Artisans and Crafts People need this type of service; somewhere to shop, gain knowledge, share their concerns and get answers all in one place. Great Work! -TM
Thanks, TM! You’ve been an invaluable resource for us and I appreciate your feedback and support.
regarding zippers: ykk excella has very good quality zippers, look at their website, a lot of choice in colors, pullers, metal etc…
i am using them for some time now and i am very satisfied, the belgian company Delvaux uses them too.
Thanks for the heads-up! We sell zippers on our own site now too. I’d be curious how they compare to the ones you’ve used.
I’ve been in the process of finding some good leather accessories. I’m a big fan of that archery armguard. I think the pattern is fantastic.
Thanks for the heads-up, Skylar! I’m glad you found something useful in this post.
Thank’s for the words, inspiring me about where to start. I am not patient person, want to learn as fast as I can. Let’s start with simple project……
Hey Agus! I think we can all relate to that feeling. How did that simple project go?
I was inspired to get into leatherwork over 20 years ago. I used to work in the golf industry and during that time sign wrote several golf professionals golf bags. Craig Parry is the most famous one. One day a golf professional I knew asked me to sign write his golf bag but the bag was very cheap. I suggested to him that instead of sign writing that bag that a bootmaker friend and I make him a bag. We bought a Singer 132 K6 and over the next 3 1/2 months in our spare time designed and made him a full leather golf bag from Connolly leather. Whilst I no longer have the K6 I have continued to make the occasional leather goods including a hand stitched saddle bag for a motorbike and a motorbike seat and another golf bag using a hand cranked patcher and hand sewing.
I still have so much to learn and improve on and recently bought a Singer 153W103. I would love to be able to stamp as well as the wrist guards shown in this post.
Great story, Paul! I’d love to see photos of that golf bag if you have any lying around. What are some of your current projects?
I just got this article when I’m struggling with my saddle stitch
but no, I won’t give up! Thank you for the tips:) I hope one day have my work on your blog…who knows?!
greetings from Sweden
Keep up the diligent practice, Rosemberg! We’d love to see some photos of your work at any time. Send us an email!
Looking forward the upcoming course! Leather bags are where it’s at for me too. I love handbags, satchels, luggage, totes, clutches, dopp kits etc. The feel of a perfectly proportioned bag with the right weight is what inspires me. I have a small collection of vintage handbags that I’d like to recreate in leather.
Great to have you here as a part of our little community, Evelyn! We’d love to see you at one of our upcoming hand-bag courses!
Inspiring post. Thanks. Holsters got me into leather working but I quickly moved to other small leather goods. Wallets are the passion now – each one I do, I learn something to improve on. I give away the wallets that I judge worthy and keep all the others in my “rejects” box. I like to review my past efforts every now and then just to remember the how and why of the failures and reinforce the improvements I made. The most important thing I have learned to date is something that my dad told me very early in my life – use the best tools and materials that you can afford no matter what your building. Thanks again.
I love that – “use the best tools and materials that you can afford no matter what you’re building.” Great advice for beginners and old-hands alike. Thanks, Davao!
Thanks for the article. Love hearing from other’s starting like myself. I am a cement Mason by trade. I started leather working by making my one year old son some shoes… It was fun. Everything I make looks better than the last. I get a natural high seeing the progress. I take pride in everything I make. I’m now exploring making tool belts for my fellow Masons. Custom cement finishers belts are simply none existent in stores. I made my first yesterday and today I brought it to work. It was nice to have a fellow coworker offer to buy it. I have a long way to go but the journey is fun. I’m looking into buying a sewing machine. Any suggestions?
Hi Pedro. We do mostly hand-stitching here but would love to hear your input on how you’re doing with the machine stitching. Keep in touch!
Great article. Very inspirational. My reason for wanting to get into leather working is old age. I noticed the usual signs of aging. Dexterity declining, Inability to maintain focus. Most importantly I wasn’t establishing goals as I did when I was younger. I figure that in leather working I can exercise these and other deficiencies and have both physical and spiritual (Zen?) evidence of my progress.
Hi James. Thanks for your thoughtful response. I think leatherworking is a great exercise for physical, mental and spiritual health. It builds dexterity, concentration, problem-solving skills, and really puts us in a kind of reflective space that’s great for getting clarity with things in life. Lots of good reasons to practice!
I just started in leatherwork. I am a purse and bag girl and can rarely find one i like at a price i can afford. So I thought I’d learn to make my own!
That’s a great way to go, Jeanette! I think many of us started doing leatherwork under the same circumstances. Keep in touch and let us know how things are going. I’d love to see some photos of your first bags!
This is the article I needed. I just wanted to improve on the stitch work.. I practiced and practiced and now its passable (actually better than that but Im harsh on myself).
I have stacks of leather that look like a cribbage board. Now I want to learn how to burnish leather but here is my rub: I have reached out to people around my area (even in person) and it is almost like a secret society at times. Its disheartning at times. I found the thing that I can focus on and funny as it may seem, its calming. I look at the clock with a smile see that it is 7pm, next time I see it…. I’m like damm 15 til midnight.
I find this to be a path that I want to pursue and has been the most positive thing I seen read digested in at least a month but there is also a very real negative to this and it is the influence by naysayers. I hear more of the: there is no future in this/ no way to make a real living/ etc etc etc.
I just want a sign at times… I came across this by pure chance, sure as hell feels like a sign.
Thank you
You’re welcome! I’m glad you enjoyed the article.
The thing that has me trying to learn leather-working skills is the search for a beautiful collar for my dogs. I’ve seen many attractive (from afar) designs that turn out to be not all that finely crafted. And I’ve found really well-crafted collars and leashes that are very limited in design. I’ll take the well-crafted-if-uninspired any day, but I want to make collars that are finely crafted AND inspired. I am sure I will be able to learn and acquire the skills; I am a highly skilled knitter, tailor, and seamstress and a pretty good spinner and a beginning weaver. Right now I am struggling to choose the right tools. I thought I found the right knife, now it turns out I have to learn how to sharpen it. Thanks for all the tips you share–I’ll get there eventually.
Great feedback! So many of us took our first step into leatherwork because we couldn’t find what we were looking for. I’d love to see your finely crafted AND inspired dog collars! Keep us in the loop.
I’m very new in this field. Has to learn a lot from you guys. I need to learn how to make bags, steering wheel covers, gear knob and motorcycles bag.
Hi Omar! Feel free to send us an email and we’ll see if we can help you out. Thanks for reading!
Thank you so much for sharing! It’s good to be reminded to focus on a single detail (like the burning focal point of a magnifying glass) and become great at that one thing! Sharpening, is something I really enjoy. I’ve carried a pocket knife for many years and I’m always getting better at sharpening it.
To answer your question though, leather belts is what got me into leather work. And thanks to this article I’m going to identify one thing to improve upon to make the belts I produce even better! Thanks again.
Sharpening is such an important skill to have in leatherworking! A sharp knife will not only perform better and make your job easier, but it makes the whole process of leatherworking more enjoyable too. Thanks for chiming in, Raul!
I am very happy about sewing my fist zippers. Use both brass and nylon and reduced them to fit a four inch opening. I take extreme care in the refined details of a piece and I am ever observant on examples of ‘professional’ productions. Classic techniques with detailed alignment are imperatives when it comes to completion of finished shoe pieces. I make many one of a kind pieces to order and have never had a client unsatisfied with the finished piece. Thanks!
Thanks for reading our post and for your insightful comment! Attention to detail is everything – keep up the good work!
This is the first time I have ever seen this post. I thank everyone for the inspirational comments. I have only worked with leather as a hobby, mostly, and have made things for myself and gifts for friends. I simply love the work because it is pure therapy for me. I have made a variety of things but the first article gave me clarity. Make a few things and make them very well. It solves a lot of mental dilemma for me, as I am not interested to start a large number of products, just the ones I enjoy making and am good at.
Thanks to you! And I think that’s a great philosophy – to just focus on making what you love. Otherwise, what’s the point! Keep up the good work and thanks again.
Leather working came into my life just last year. As someone mentioned in a previous reply it was found as a result of getting older and the need to be creative. Working with one’s hand’s to create useful and appealing items brings an unparalleled sense of accomplishment and pride. Learning a new craft and developing new skills along the way, experiencing progress and failures are as gratifying experiences as life itself. In a world filled with mass-produced products, overwhelming amounts of information, technology and stress, time at the bench recedes to the speed of life. It calms my soul to practice a skill, focused and determined to do better than the last go. Leather has become my exit strategy, my retirement plan to keep my senses sharp and my mind focused on what I can do rather than what has passed. A well constructed and comfortable holster that was not beyond what I was willing to pay was the original motivation for my first hide, thread and needle. Thank you for the practical inspiration and solid advice.
What an inspiring story, John! We’re really grateful to have you as a part of our little community. Please keep in touch and send us an email to let us know how you’re doing and what new projects you get into!
I really appreciate the encouraging posts, I’ve been doing leather work for over 50 years, mostly small leather goods out of my basement. I try to learn something on every piece I produce. Someone once said if a day goes by that you didn’t learn something consider that dat a total loss! Thanks Rodney
Thanks for reading, Rodney. I think that’s a great standard to live by. There are always innumerable details to improve, no matter how much experience you have. I’d love to see some of your work if you ever wanted to share some photos with us via email. Take care!
I came across this page as i seek a new passion during the unprecedented times we are living in today. Thank you all for sharing your insights in the comment section and especially to the team at FLW for this lovely inspirational post.
I am a law graduate switching industry (with time) as i seek leather crafters for a new business venture – any advice in sourcing the right team to manufacture my designs as opposed to myself learning this sensational craft?
Thanks for reading our article and for taking the time to respond, Hassan! Feel free to send us an email and I’ll see if we can help you out.
I ran a business making women!s fashion belts many years ago, and loved working with fine leathers and snake skins. Now I am retired and at the age of 75 I have come back to doing what I loved so much so long ago: only this time it is shoemaking. It so happens that I have arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome which makes life a tad uncomfortable but I am convinced that the workout my hands get when I am working on a shoe can only be a help. Unable to attend any hands-on courses before corona virus shut off those opportunities, I have searched online for every scrap of information I can learn from, and am enjoying the whole enterprise immensely. Fine leatherworking is my goal; in past years living in Europe I used to love browsing in shops to examine examples of such goods – bags, wallets, belts, and of course shoes. I already possess plenty of such things, and have no real need for any more – nor much use for them these days – but the sheer delight of working to make them myself is both the aim and the reward. I am so glad I have found your site: thank you, thank you, thank you! This old lady is having so much fun!
What an inspiring story! I was really moved by your intent and passion for creating fine leather goods. If you wouldn’t mind, please email us to keep us in the loop about your progress and let us know if you have any questions. I’d love to see pictures of your work too!
What an educative and inspiration article. True practice makes perfect yet we strive to go beyond that. Thank you.
Thanks for reading, Vipul! I’m glad that this post was inspirational to you. Keep in touch!
Thanks for the email and the five suggestions. I was bitten by the leather bug five years ago. Leather working for me has never been a job, it is therapeutic, and never boring. I got into this craft quite by accident and continue looking for ways to improve, refine, improve, you get the idea.
I make leather gun holsters and billfolds. This article reminded me to focus on one or two items and refine one aspect of the process at a time. Making belt slots for the holster is a real challenge for me since the thickness of the leather, usually 8-10 oz. veg tan leather, is not easy to cut through. I make a pancake style holster and when you put the two 8 oz pieces together you have 16 oz leather to cut through. I have tried numerous ways of getting the slots just right and after five years of concentration in this one area, I’m slowly getting better.
Thanks for the inspiring article and I look forward to receiving more. I’m retired now so I get to do as much leather crafting as I want or as little. It’s usually as much. If I’m not building a holster, I’m thinking of ways to improve and refine what I’m doing. Thanks again.
Thanks for reading and sharing your story, Gary! I’d love to see some of your work if you ever want to email us a few photos. Fine leather goods are all in the details.
Like others, I enjoyed reading this article. I saw a video short as an ad on some news site that I frequent about how to make a mouse pad from Chuck Dorsett. As a tech guy it inspired me enough to go out and get a starter kit from Tandy. This was in the Fall of 2019 so before the pandemic. I was going down the rabbit hole before the pandemic and when we were all on lockdown it was a blessing because I was now able to focus two additional hours to my craft instead of my commute back and forth to work. I’ve been all over the map when it comes to not focusing on any one product but what I did focus on was my tooling. And I still do. From watching newly released videos, tool tips and more. And of course that came with upgrading my tools.
Speaking of tools I did want to tell you a quick story since you sell Doldokki tools . I made a trip out to South Korea a few weeks ago and made a point to visit his new shop. New, as in he was still moving into it but he was a super generous host and even drove me visit one of his friends who owned a leather shop in another part of Seoul. It was a very memorable experience and I regret not learning enough Korean to have a better communication experience with he and his friends. I hope to remedy that when I will try to go back in a few years to visit him again.
Great story, John! And I’m happy to hear that you got a chance to meet Mr. Kim from Doldokki. He’s a true gentleman and really a pleasure to work with. His tools are a testament to his commitment to the craft. Thanks for taking the time to read and respond!